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7 Reasons Why A Good Website Design Will Save You Money

There’s a BIG difference between just having a website and having a good website.

And we know investing in a professionally designed website might seem expensive at first glance. But there’s a HUGE cost to not having a good website design.

That’s why today we’re going over the 7 elements that make up a good website design and why investing your hard-earned cash into a custom-designed website that has them will actually SAVE you money.


What are the elements of a good website design?

1. Branding that builds trust

It takes only 0.05 seconds for someone to decide whether they like your website’s design. In other words, it takes less than a second for someone to decide whether they’ll stay (and potentially buy something) or move on to the next website (and buy from your competitors instead).

Let’s face it…. your business can’t afford to have a website design that displays a DIYed logo and random color palette. And that’s why all of our custom web design packages include brand design, too.

A good website design has beautiful branding that’s consistent across all of its pages. You gotta stick with your brand’s fonts and colors because brand consistency encourages trust. And remember, people have to trust you in order to be willing to buy from you.

2. Powerful visuals

You can make the most out of those 0.05 seconds it takes for someone to decide whether they like your website design by including some powerful visuals. And that’s because the human mind processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

Powerful visuals are also purposeful.

Visual elements are awesome for increasing engagement and breaking up text. But don’t go overboard because a website cluttered with images that are not even on-brand is a bad website design. It’s important to find a balance and a good website designer will be able to help you find it.

3. Strategic copywriting

While those visuals are important, so are your words. In case you’re not familiar with the term, copywriting is simply the words that we write with the purpose of persuading someone to do something.

A good website design includes compelling and conversion-based copywriting that convinces your prospective customers to buy from you. That’s why we include done-for-you copywriting in our custom website design packages and copywriting guidance in our plug-and-play website templates.

4. Responsiveness

A good website design is a responsive website design.

A responsive website design means that your website looks good anywhere it’s viewed. Because a website should look good on any browser, any computer, and any phone. And it really needs to look good on those phones because Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search engine results.

5. Search engine optimization (SEO)

Speaking of search engines, your website’s design influences how search engines index and crawl your website. In other words, a good website design needs to be search engine optimized.

Because your website can’t bring in any new buyers if none of them can find you.

6. Fast page speed

Page speed is a crucial element of a good website design. Your website could have the most beautiful design in the entire world, but it won’t matter if no one gets to see it…. because it doesn’t load in the right amount of time. And if your website isn’t seen by anyone, it certainly can’t be making you any money.

The probability that a user will leave your website increases by 90% as page load time goes from 1 to 5 seconds. Yup, those first 5 seconds of page load time have the highest impact on your conversion rates.

Not sure if your current website design is loading fast enough? You can check out the stats for yourself at Google PageSpeed Insights.

7. Easy navigation

A good website design will allow your visitors to easily and effortlessly navigate it. Because if someone can’t quickly find what they’re looking for, they’re going to get super frustrated and immediately leave your website. Also, they can’t exactly buy from you if they can’t figure out what your offers are and how they can buy them.

Pro Tip: Make your website easier to navigate by listing out no more than five options. Take a look at the navigation bar on the top of your website and merge similar options into a single option with a dropdown. And don’t list out your home page either. Most people know they can just click your logo if they need to return to the home page. It’s standard practice nowadays.


Why a good website design will save you money.

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression! And as you now know, when someone lands on your website you have just seconds to make a good impression and keep them there long enough to actually make a purchase.

A good website design will help you save money by decreasing your bounce rate and increasing your conversions. Because you could have all the traffic in the world but if no one is actually buying anything on your website…. what’s the point again? Exposure doesn’t exactly pay the bills.

A website can’t just be pretty anymore. It needs to perform, too! A good website is designed with conversions in mind. It has one primary goal and everything you do is structured around it in a way to guide your target audience to complete it. (And that one goal? It usually involves making ya some money!)

A good website design is going to cost you some money, but it’s going to be more costly not to have one.

So, if you’re a creative entrepreneur ready to invest in yourself, your business, and your dreams with a custom branded website designed to convert…. then you’re in the right place.

Click here to apply to work with us now because you deserve a website that actually makes you money.


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